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Pinterest, Social Media Boss

How to Find and Join Pinterest Group Boards

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Pinterest group boards, aka the secret weapon of Pinterest, are quite amazing. You may be wondering why you should join Pinterest group boards and how they can help your biz? I’m so glad that you asked! 🙂

Pinterest group boards are boards that ANYONE can join and add pins to. The actual board appears on every single board member’s Pinterest account – holy moly right? The ultimate reason why you should join Pinterest group boards are to get your pins seen more. You may have 2k Pinterest followers and one of your group boards may have 11k followers… you do the math! On Pinterest group boards your pins have a greater change getting seen + repinned and your’re much more likely to receive visitors/subscribers on your site. Mind blown?

Want to join Pinterest group boards? Here is how to find and join Pinterest group boards…

Wondering how to find and join Pinterest group boards? Here is the ultimate breakdown of how to find group boards, how to join, and how to use them!


There are two ways that I find Pinterest group boards. is a website that I used a lot when I was just starting with group boards. Here, you can search for boards by title and/or description. It will then show you a list of group boards that matched your search criteria. You will be able to see the following about each board: category, the number of pins, collaborators, followers, likes, and repins. Bottom line – Pin Groupie is a great resource for finding group boards!

Another way to find Pinterest group boards is to look at other Pinterest accounts! We all have influencers that we like to follow and more than likely, they will be a part of group boards. There is nothing wrong with finding boards this way – if people say they don’t check out what boards others are on, they are fibbing (as the Superhero) would say. Go check out accounts that you follow and see where they are pinning at. 🙂



Every Pinterest group board has different rules and guidelines. You can find these at the top of each group board, in the description. The very first person’s photo that you see in the bio section in the board owner. Below is an example of my Social Media Sisters group board, you’re in there right? If the board doesn’t have rules, you can comment on one of the board owner’s recent pins tagging them requesting to join. Sometimes board approval can take a week of longer, just be patient and watch your notifications for board invitations.

Wondering how to find and join Pinterest group boards? Here is the ultimate breakdown of how to find group boards, how to join, and how to use them!



Receiving board invitations is flattering, but sometimes you will find that the board doesn’t meet your niche or the board may have less followers than you currently have yourself. DON’T JOIN THOSE. You don’t have to be on a hundred group boards, you need to only be on good group boards that give you repins and new followers. Just look at the amount of contributors to the board, the amount of pins, and look at the boards repins on the actual pins. If those appear to be successful, congrats you found a great Pinterest group board!



You should have a Pinterest strategy in place, you do don’t you? If not, I can help you – take a look at my Pinterest Services page. In the Pinterest group boards, you may see an amount of repins per day – just follow the rules, pin to successful group boards, and set your scheduler to run for you on autopilot. Learn more about my favorite Pinterest scheduler, Boardbooster here.


What are your thoughts about Pinterest group boards? Don’t they ROCK YOUR WORLD?!



Wondering how to find and join Pinterest group boards? Here is the ultimate breakdown of how to find group boards, how to join, and how to use them!

awesome freebie photo from Bloguettes!



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  1. Bill Miller says:

    Thank you Amy,
    I have been invited to approx. 10-12 Boards and with you article I now what to look for
    Your right it is flattering to be invited,but with your advice I now what to look for and how to use invites for maximum effect Will now go back to article and read the sights you suggested for more info. Pinning is fun, but with your info it can be so much more

  2. […] here and read all that you need to know about Pinterest Group […]

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