Did you know that you can see what exactly is being pinned from your website? Read on to discover how to see what exactly is being pinned from your site!

Do you ever wonder what your audience wants to see from you as far as blog content goes? Sure, we can conduct surveys, shout out to them on social media, and try trial and error post subjects; Or we can just simply take a look at what people pin from your site. Yes, you read that […]

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Want more Pinterest repins? Follow these 5 quick tips and enjoy all of the new repins you will receive! 5 Ways to More Repins on Pinterest:Amy Howard Social

Pinterest is my jam! Seriously, it is this social media strategists’ favorite social media network out there, and for good reason. Pinterest drives 5x more traffic than Facebook and Twitter combined! Let that sink in for a moment while I share 5 quick ways to more repins on Pinterest.   Convert to a Business Account […]

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