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Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!

Pinterest, Social Media, Social Media Boss

How to Write the Perfect Pinterest Bio + Free Checklist

Your Pinterest Bio is the first impression that you will have on your audience. It’s the first step to gaining subscribers + followers and growing your blog. Therefore, I highly recommend fancying up your Pinterest bio with these tested and true steps! Here are my tips on How to Write the Perfect Pinterest Bio + a free checklist!

Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!


Depending on what type of business you run will determine whether you should use a logo or actual photo for your social media photo. If you are Target, I recommend using your logo. However, if you are a blogger – use a clear, professional photo. Absolutely no selfies ladies!! Your Pinterest photo should match all of your social media profile photos so that your brand is consistent and your audience can easily recognize you across all channels. Here are a few examples from Ashley Brooke Designs,  Sugar and Cloth, Amber Housely, & Lauren Carnes that are amazing Pinterest profile photos!

As we see, Ashely’s photo has a solid colored background, making her POP beautifully! Sugar and Cloth has the perfect white background that makes her and her fun colors POP as well. Amber’s photo shows us in her element, her colorful office. Lastly, Lauren’s Pinterest photo is of her in the beautiful outdoors. All four of these photos are different, but have one thing in common. They are clear, professional, and true to their brand. Lovely ladies – go find them on Pinterest!!

Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!



For example, on my Pinterest account, my name is displayed as “Amy Howard Social : Social Media Strategist + Blogger for Online Hustlers.” Now, when people search for social – media – strategist – blogger – online hustlers my account will pop up, holla!! This is HUGE y’all. If you take away anything from these tips, please take this away. Remember that Pinterest is a “search engine” so optimizing your account for SEO will benefit you SO much.

Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!

When writing your bio you are limited to 160 characters – that’s it. So, our bios have to be short and strategic. When you are creating your tagline, one sentence that summarizes who you are and what you do, be strategic with your keywords + goals. Be sure that your brand is speaking and your audience knows exactly what you do and what sets you a part from the rest. So much pressure on the Pinterest Bio, huh? It’s ok – less is definitely more. Here is an example of my Pinterest Bio with my tagline. Make yours unique to you and you will shine through!

Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!

When someone lands on my Pinterest account, they immediately read my bio and at the end of that bio I give them a Call-to-Action, aka I tell them what I want them to do. In my case, my CTA to sign up for my FREE Social Media Weekly Planner. Boom!! Now they’re no longer just a Pinterest follower. They’re on my email list. A successful call-to-action will get your audience intrigued enough to click your link and ultimately subscribe! Not to mention, you will have a new Pinterest follower as well. 🙂

Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!


We obviously want to add your site link. Please add that, make sure it’s verified and you will be good to go!

Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!


Adding your location to your Pinterest bio is super important. By adding this you can open doors for collaborations and possible meet ups. If you don’t want to put your city and state, you can list your state and I did.

Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!

As of now, Pinterest only allows you to link to your PERSONAL Facebook account and your Twitter account. I would not recommend linking your personal Facebook account in your Pinterest bio; unless you want readers to see a glimpse into your personal life. You definitely want to link your Twitter account though. I hope that in the near future we can link to all of our social media account on Pinterest, but for now let’s just add our Twitter accounts.

Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!

So there we have it – those are my tried and true tips for creating the perfect Pinterest bio! Now, download this convenient checklist The Perfect Pinterest Bio to keep handy while you’re updating your Pinterest bio.

Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!

Be sure to leave your Pinterest link below so we can all follow each other.

You can find me on Pinterest here â€“ we are totally having a party over there and you should join us!!


Want to have the Perfect Pinterest Bio? Find out exactly how to write the perfect Pinterest bio + download a free checklist!

lovely stock image provided by Haute Chocolate – join the Styled Stock Library today!



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  1. Krista Reed says:

    Great information!

  2. Tiffany says:

    Maybe I’ll go in and make sure my actual profile is SEO friendly. I think I’ve done a pretty good job with it, though I haven’t focused on keywords much. I’ve always wondered if adding keywords to your profile really made a difference. Would you say that it has for you, or you can’t be certain? Thanks for the tips!
    Tiffany recently posted…8 Free Summer Fonts | Font Series #12My Profile

    • Amy Howard says:


      Inserting keywords absolutely makes the world of difference with Pinterest + your blog posts. Remember that Pinterest is a search engine. By inserting keywords, you will open up opportunities to have your amazing content found. There are loads of articles on Pinterest discussing SEO optimization. I need to read up on SEO within blog posts as well.


  3. Kerith says:

    This came at the perfect time! I’m rebranding my social media as part of the upcoming Etsy shop changes. Thanks for the tips!

  4. Zen says:

    Working on driving more traffic to my DIY/ modern maker blog via Pinterest – going to work on a better profile pic now 🙂 Thanks Amy!

  5. Shalonda says:

    I am so glad I found this on Twitter I will be working on making my Pinterest SEO friendly today.

  6. srijana says:

    Thank you and geart information

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