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Stop using the exclamation point in your business writing. Remember if every point is emphasized, none of them are. Tips on business writing.

Blogging, Business, Social Media Boss

Stop Using the ! in your Business Writing

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I know that all of this social media talk is super exciting and it makes you want to use exclamation happy marks on every sentence, right?!?!?!?! I feel you. However, it DOES NOT look professional or lady-like, if that’s a better term, to use the ! at the end of every sentence. No matter what type of business you operate, it is YOUR BUSINESS and you need to represent yourself in a professional manner. Remember those values that your mama taught you about crossing your legs and dotting your i’s…well this is the same principle.

I am referring to blog and social media posts, definitely emails, and even texts. Anything that you have typed or written conversations on. Here is why and how to control yourself and stop using the ! in your business posts and writing â€“>

Stop using the exclamation point in your business writing. Remember if every point is emphasized, none of them are. Tips on business writing.


If every sentence is emphasized, none of them are. Punctuation marks should never take the place of words. If you are excited, say it. If you are enthusiastic or passionate about something, preach it. But please, don’t do this !!!! to get your views across.


1) Use one ! per paragraph, or 5 sentences.

2) Pay attention to your usage, pick and choose where you will insert.

3) Get acquainted with other symbols. I am currently loving these attention gainers: > — :: /

4) Remember you are a business professional

{See on all of these wonderful points, I wanted to break out the handy dandy ! but I refrained, I am a social media strategist professional for peeps sake, and I want my writing to represent that.}


Take a look at this lovely chart via HubSpot covering if you should use an exclamation mark…spoiler alert: the answer is probably “NO.”

Stop using the exclamation point in your business writing. Remember if every point is emphasized, none of them are. Tips on business writing.
So there we have it. Please remember that if every sentence is emphasized, none of them are. We could all use gentle reminders such as these from time to time. So tell me, are you a serial exclamation pointer? It’s ok if you are, I will forgive you. 🙂


Stop using the exclamation point in your business writing. Remember if every point is emphasized, none of them are. Tips on business writing.

*image provided by the Haute Chocolate Stock Image Library*



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  1. Ashley says:

    Hi there! I would love the photo credit from my desk! Like your post.


  2. Maggie says:

    Ew! An email reminder would have been more professional. Posting this sort of request publicly isn’t necessary unless someone isn’t cooperating.

    This is a great post, Amy. I try to be careful with exclamation points, but I know I can stand to be even more conscientious.

  3. Elle Ay Esse says:

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

    I see So.Many.!!!!! everywhere that it drives me nuts. Not everything in the world is that exciting. Make your point, emphasize the necessary and move along.

    The other thing that drives me bonkers is the major influx of emoji’s used in blogs. Or using hashtags in blog posts! Ugh! Do people NOT know that their hashtags doesn’t work off social media???

    Thank you for sharing this. Really. I so appreciate it.

    – Elle Ay Esse
    Elle Ay Esse recently posted…Tutorial | Creating Social Media Images in CanvaMy Profile

  4. […] Stop Using the ! in your Business Writing  […]

  5. Sofie says:

    For someone who like to use the exclamation point a lot, this was a great eye opener. That flow chart is an incredible tool. Definitely saving that one.
    I regret reading this only now. I could have improved my writing a long time ago.
    Thank you so much for this very informative and new piece of writing.

    ~ Sofie
    Sofie recently posted…3 of my favourite sites to enchance productivityMy Profile

    • Amy Howard says:

      Hi Sofie!

      Thank you so much for your honesty. I am too guilty of over using exclamation points in my writing. Cheers to us both for using less of these!!!
      Have a blessed week.


  6. Marlene says:

    YES!! Great post, Amy. This is definitely a writing peeve. The biggest one for me at the moment (which I’ve really, really been considering blogging about recently) is the trendy plus sign….
    A plus sign means “plus”. An ampersand means “and”. It drives me batty!

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