Do you ever wonder what your audience wants to see from you as far as blog content goes? Sure, we can conduct surveys, shout out to them on social media, and try trial and error post subjects; Or we can just simply take a look at what people pin from your site.
Yes, you read that right – Pinterest can tell us what exactly is being pinned from our sites? Oh, Pinterest you just keep getting better and better!! Here is the quickest, easiest, and most effective way to see what exactly is being pinned from your blog and what your audience wants to see more of…
Go to
Replace your domain with your site and type this below:
(for example mine would be
That’s it!
Now, browse through and see what your audience is pinning, where they are pinning it to, and focus on what types of content is being pinned the most.
The results may just surprise you.
Here are a few reasons why you would want to know what exactly is being pinned from your blog:
- Do you see a theme in the types of pins? <- Use this info to give the people what they want!
- Notice what types of boards they are adding your pins to. What info can you take away from that?
- You will more than likely notice some surprising facts by looking this up; don’t be afraid to make changes and base your blog content around what your target market wants to see from you.
- Also for me, this is a great way to see a lot of your graphics laid out in Pinterest format – study these graphics; do they pop out at you, make you want to pin them? Take a look and reevaluate your Pinterest graphics if needed.
- You can also look up pins from other sites – go ahead and see what your competitors get pins on – they will never know. 😉
This is PURE ANALYTICS right here ladies. Have you ever tried this? If so, were you surprised by your results?
Now, I think this is cause for a celebration!! Head over to Pinterest and join the party with us!!
Thanks for the tip Amy… I had forgotten this with all the analytics from Pinterest and Tailwind.
The one thing I’ve been trying to figure out is specific pin numbers on a pin. I’d like to know the total numbers of pins and especially would like my blogs top 50 pin numbers. As best I can see (and remember) the analytics from Pinterest and Tailwind go back only a few months at most. At one time I had a social plugin that would show that on a particular post… but that caused the plugin to be a drag on my load speed so I got rid of it. If you have anything thoughts on this I’d love to hear them. Thanks!
All the best for an extraordinary day!
Diane | An Extraordinary Day recently posted…What if we finished the day with this question? | JoyDay!
Hi Diane!
That is seriously a great question – I too use Pinterest analytics and analytics from my scheduler. The social media plugin, are you referring to the Shareaholic plugin? I currently use that and can tell the exact number of shares with it! Let’s chat more about this – email me at when you get a sec and we can discuss further!
This is why I love reading your posts. While I did know about this feature, I never used it as a way to see what content is most popular on my blog.
Had I never read this post I more than likely would have never known how to leverage this feature.
I’m going to take a much closer look at what people are pinning from now on!
Tiffany Griffin recently posted…My Top 10 WordPress Plugins
Hey lady!
Yes, I couldn’t agree more. I have known about this feature for long time, but never implement it. CRAZINESS!
I have started using the data I have found by doing this and discovered a lot about my readers. I’m glad that you are doing the same!
This is amazing. Thank you so much for your wonderful emails..x
Hi Chelsey.
Thank you so much for the shout out!
Awesome tip, Amy.
I knew this was possible, but was doing it wrong. Now it becomes easy to analyse what kind of contents are getting pinned from my blog.
Sourav recently posted…6 Questions To Ask Before You Start A Blog
Hi there! I’m glad that you have found an easier way to see what is being pinned from your blog. Thanks for commenting!
Oh this was so useful! Thank you so much! It was eye opening to see that what people pin the most are the infographics I use in the posts, and that’s so great to know – I’ll keep using them 🙂
I am floored. Did not know you could do this at all. I would always tell myself I wish there’s a way to see which post from your blog are being pinned. Thank you so much for this.