Expressing faith in business. Should you or shouldn’t you? This is a controversial subject these days. We are in luck because the good news for entrepreneurs like us, is that this is our blog and biz and we can do as we please. Harsh? No, this is a personal choice that every blogger and biz owner has. If you’re interested, here are my thoughts on expressing faith in business.
Like I do everything in my life, I gave my business over to God. I prayed on the following questions before launching: Should I go back to work? Will people actually hire me? Can I make enough money? Can I actually do this? And then one day, everything started falling into place for me. It seemed too good to be true, that’s grace my friend.
There’s no correct way to express faith in business. I think that whatever makes you feel comfortable is what can work for you. My prayer for you is that you stand for what you believe in and realize that just because not everyone expresses their faith in business, certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t. Here are a few tips on how you can express your faith in business tastefully:
- Share your testimony with your audience and be honest about your faith with them.
- Squeeze in God’s word when you see an opportunity to.
- Pray for your business, clients, and fellow business women.
- Speak encouragement over your business, clients, and fellow business women.
- Encourage your competition. Success should be celebrated no matter if it is your own or not.
- Operate your business with integrity. Besides, we are doing this for God anyways right?
- Remember that God gave you the talent, drive, and brains to operate your business. Praise him for it!
Expressing faith in business doesn’t have to be forced down people’s throats either. Even though this can be considered a messy subject, it is quite simple. We have a right to express our faith, while others have the right to disagree. I also find people who believe but are quiet about their faith so they can avoid offending someone. Please don’t do that! You should be offended that they want you to hush it. Don’t be afraid sister, express yo self!
Need some inspiration that only he can give? Check out my favorite Pinterest board BLESSED! When I get repins from this board, I am over the moon! Here are a few of my favorite pins, verses, and quotes from this board.
So how do you express your faith in your business? I would love to connect with my sisters in Christ that also are rocking biz bosses! Don’t be shy, comment below and tell me your thoughts!
Best post ever!
Thank you so much! I enjoyed this one A LOT!
Amy Howard recently posted…Expressing Faith In Business?
I LOVE IT! Thank you so much for this post. While I’m not ashamed or “hushed” about my faith and that I believe that GOD has a hand in every part of my life, things have gotten so hostile towards Christians lately. It’s so sad, I pray daily for the wisdom to do the right things and in the right way for my business. I truly want to do what the Lord wants me to do and be successful at it as well. I know with him by my side that anything is possible. I’ve been so blessed in my life already, this is just the next step in my journey.
So thank you for being so open about your love for the Lord, it’s so refreshing. I knew the first time I came to your site that you and I would get along like peas in a pod! Not only are we both Southern Girls, but we love our Jesus and our families too.
God Bless You and much love, hope and happiness in all that you do in the future. Keep preaching it GIRL!
Stephanie Quinn
Amen sister! I am happy to hear that you and I, along with many others I am sure, are on the same page when it comes to faith and business. So fill me in, what is your business? I would love to follow you. You’re also a southern, Jesus loving, family oriented #bossbabe? Be still my heart. Be still. We must connect!
Thank YOU for being so open about your faith and sharing some with me. I thought I would get some rude comments on this post, but so far so good.
Thank you again so much for your sweet and encouraging comment. God bless you and yours! I know that you will continue to be blessed in all that you do.
Amy Howard
Amy Howard recently posted…Expressing Faith In Business?
I’m embarking on a blog that is ALL ABOUT THE LORD, called Be the good news. I’m praying that I can reach many Christians with this blog. More importantly, I’m praying to reach the unsaved as well. Do you think this is possible? Do you believe one should profit from sharing God’s word? Thanks for your reply.
Hi Lauri! Thank you for sharing your story. I definitely think that reaching others and spreading God’s word is a wonderful thing. If it has been put on your heart to do so, you should take it and run with it! I would love to read your blog when you get up and running. Please let me know your site address.
Amy Howard recently posted…10 Brands Who Support Breast Cancer Awareness
Love this post, Amy! We’re always on the search for business experts who love Christ and sometimes it can be hard to tell where someone stands in regards to their faith… so I love this advice to just do it! If you love Jesus, don’t be ashamed to share. Love that! We’ve been following you a while and can’t get enough of your content! <3
Hi Kristin! Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words! Combining faith with business can be a definite challenge, but we can achieve our heart’s desires through him. Glad to have you here!
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