It’s an ordinary Tuesday, just like the Monday before and the Wednesday that will follow. Instead of waking up when your little internal alarm chooses to shake you till your eyelids fly up, you hear a programmed iPhone ringer that makes you cringe when you hear it in public. Mornings are hard, and trying to stay motivated throughout an entire work day is even harder. While that inspirational quote your mom shared on Facebook this morning was great, sometimes that isn’t even enough. Having suffered this distress of trying to function successfully on workdays myself, I began to ponder what made the difference between having a morning that lasted all afternoon, and a productive day.
So here they are, my 9 Ways to Increase Productivity throughout your Workday!
Start the day with your favorites
Love that Mickey Mouse coffee mug and fuzzy socks, or is HGTV and hot tea more of your thing? Whatever makes you enjoy being awake is absolutely the first thing you should reach for in the morning instead of the snooze button. If you spoil yourself first things as the sun rises, how could it possibly be a bad day? 🙂
Dress For Success
Sweat pants or a business suit, it’s your call. However, if you know you feel like watching House Hunters when you wear your yoga pants, they probably aren’t the best to wear for work. When you feel good, you produce good work.
Make a Schedule
It seems like the most simple task, but if you take a couple of minutes to write down your goals, it can be the driving force of your day. Put your little list somewhere in clear sight, so if you get distracted you can see it and stay on track.
Forgive Yourself…
When you don’t stick to your schedule. It makes sense because it shows you everything you need to complete in the day, but it was a little idealistic, wasn’t it? Don’t be so hard on yourself when you go away from your plan. Getting bogged down in being disappointed over messing up kills more time and efficiency than straying from a schedule ever does.
Make Your Girl Boss Playlist
We all know Beyonce gets you motivated, so channel your inner Mrs. Carter! Spotify is my personal favorite because they have so many pre made playlists covering more genres than you can imagine, while still letting you make your own. Put your favorite tunes all on playlist and jam while you hustle!
Take A Few To Regroup
Also known as a minute mind vacation, stepping back from the current situation can make or break your motivation. If you catch yourself getting frustrated or turning molehills into mountains, stop and look at the big picture. After you go to your happy place for a hot second, take a good look around. Why are you upset? How can you logically fix the situation? Reassess and move forward!
Decorate Your Office
We all love pretties. Pictures of loved ones. Adorable cactii in teacups. Whatever it is that makes you smile, bring it in there. Looking up to see a picture of your family can make you smile, and remind yourself work is temporary. Pretty notebooks and hot pink pens never hurt anyone either. Surround yourself with happy and no clutter, and you will lead a more productive day!
2 P.M. Coffee
2 o’clock coffee soothes the soul. It truly is the perfect time for a little caffeine boost. When the desire for an after lunch nap begins to dance across your eyes, grab your trusted friend. You can indeed push through the last few hours. Coffee will never let you down.
Walk Away At The End
When your work day is over, leave it on your desk. What causes so many people to feel burned out is working all day and then still having it in your life after hours. Be with your family. Do things that make you happy. Never bring the office home, even if it’s just down the hall. You will feel renewed and be able to give it your best the next day if you give yourself some space.
Being a working woman is awesome, even when staying productive does not come easy. Spoil yourself throughout your day and then put it away when the work time done. You will thank yourself for it later.
Do you have any productivity tips that you would like to share with your fellow girl bosses? We would love to know, comment below and let’s chat!
Love this! Great advise! Can’t wait to share this!
Totally agree about starting the day with your favorite things! It always gets me more motivated to keep going!
Rachel recently posted…Fun Findings Friday #165
Hi Rachel!
It’s the little things that make such a difference, right?! 🙂
I just found you on Instagram, love your feed!
Thanks for stopping by! <3